Category Archives: General

Bourbon creams don’t contain any cream…

Hi and welcome to my blog. I’m a mum to two small boys, one of whom was allergic to milk, soya and peanuts until he grew out of it aged two, and the other of whom is still allergic to milk, egg and peanuts (but not soya!). Feeding them has obviously been challenging at times, and I’d like to use this blog to post tips, hints and recommendations that maybe other parents in a similar situation might find useful.

So, to begin with, a few comments about foods which are suitable for milk allergy sufferers which you might not expect:

Bourbon creams don’t contain any cream (Tesco value, Tesco and Sainsbury’s Basics bourbon biscuits are all fine for milk allergy sufferers)

Butterkist salted popcorn doesn’t contain any butter

Cream crackers don’t contain any cream


Thanks for reading!